
Founded to bring a dynamic Catholic youth conference to the Midwest, Partnership for Youth held its first Steubenville North Youth Conference at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, in 2001. Building on its success, Partnership for Youth was formally established in 2002 to expand the reach and impact of these events, aiming to strengthen young people in their faith and supporting those who serve them.
Since then, Partnership for Youth has expanded to include the Steubenville Rochester, Steubenville on the Lake (2016-2018), and Steubenville Joliet conferences, along with a variety of one-day events, and an event services division supporting other ministries in delivering their events with excellence.  With a history of high-quality, professionally delivered events, Partnership for Youth continues to inspire young people in their unique mission and support the missions of the organizations with which they partner.

Board of Directors

Amy Cummings

Executive Director

Dan Wicker, President

Sr. Director, Cushman & Wakefield

Tim Murphy, Vice-President

President, iJetColor Printware

Scott Schwalbe, Treasurer

CEO, Rochester Precision Machine Inc.

8011 34th Ave S #220 Bloomington, MN 55425

2025 // Partnership for Youth