Clergy Resources

Steubenville Joliet


If you are a priest, deacon, or bishop from outside the Diocese of Joliet, you will need to send in a letter of good standing/letter of suitability in order to attend the conference.

The letter can be requested by your superior and is required to be sent to us by May 27th.

The letter should include the following criteria:

  • Written on official letterhead and signed by the bishop or approved designated representative (your superior in the community)
  • Letter addressed to Partnership for Youth – Attention: Amy Cummings
  • The letter should state:
    • Name of individual attending
    • That the individual is a Catholic in Good Standing
    • That the individual has been through Safe Environment training, according to your local (arch)diocesan policy
    • That the individual has an approved background check and clearance and approval to work with youth

Please send your letter to:

David Salvato, JCD, at [email protected], and copy Maria Turone at [email protected]

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Please bring your own vestment and stole.

You will receive a Liturgy schedule and contact information from our Core Team member who is in charge of the Liturgy.

You will receive a Reconciliation schedule and contact information from our Core Team member who assists with Reconciliation.

8011 34th Ave S #220 Bloomington, MN 55425

2025 // Partnership for Youth